America grants us a wealth of blessings and opportunities through the liberties enshrined in our Constitution. Freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly - these ideals allow every citizen to pursue happiness and prosper through hard work.
Yet the fragility of freedom is easily forgotten when liberty is all we’ve ever known. Will the America our children inherit continue to uphold these sacred rights and values?
Our founding fathers pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor to establish this great experiment in democracy. Today, do we as individuals bear any responsibility to continue shaping America into a more perfect union? Or is our only duty to pursue personal success detached from civic affairs?
America prospers most when engaged citizens contribute their voices and values to guide her course. Our shared destiny demands more than complacent complicity from all who enjoy the fruits of liberty.
We must reflect on how our actions impact future generations, and what legacy we will leave them. Get informed, vote wisely, and make your voice heard on the issues you care about. Run for local office. Volunteer in your community. Have thoughtful discussions on timeless truths.
The future of freedom depends on ordinary people like you and me. We the people hold the power to strengthen liberty and justice for all. May we use it wisely, guided by wisdom from above, to preserve the best of America for those who come after. Our children are counting on it.
Do you want to learn more about what you can do to act NOW! and save our Constitution.
Take your learning to the next level:
✍️Learn about historical events that shape our future. Flashback to a Fabulous Future.
✍️ Join our Bible Study Group. It is called Faith and Freedom – A Recipe for Restoration. Study the Bible through the lens of our Founding Fathers. We use David Barton’s Founder’s Bible when we meet once a week on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Eastern. There is no charge for this class.
✍️ What is Quiet Leadership? Why is it important now more than ever -- couple it with Servant Leadership and Conscious Leadership and you will have principled leaders who can navigate the turbulent waters ahead! Join us for a four-week FREE journey. One to two hours a week!
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