Judges often appear mysterious to the public, leaving us with questions about their qualifications and characteristics. Join Rick Green on WallBuilders Live as he explores the crucial qualities of a good Judge and how the role of Judges has evolved over time. You can learn more about this topic at https://www.patriotacademy.com/dyk-037/
Do you want to learn more about what you can do to act NOW! and save our Constitution?
Take your learning to the next level:
✍️ Join our course on faith here.
✍️Learn about historical events that shape our future. Flashback to a Fabulous Future.
✍️ Join us on our learning Journey to Plymouth, MA, on August 30, 2023 – September 4, 2023. Learn more here.
✍️ Join our Constitution Alive! course beginning on March 13, 2023, at 7 p.m. Eastern for 10 weeks. There is no charge for this course.
✍️ Join our Bible Study Group. Study the Bible through the lens of our Founding Fathers. We use David Barton’s Founder’s Bible when we meet once a week on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. Eastern. There is no charge for this class.
✍️ To join our waiting list, sign up thru the following links:
For our Biblical Citizenship, and the American Campfire Revival courses. There is no charge for these courses.
#homeschool, #history, #unitedstates, #consitution, #foundingfathers, #travel, #tour, #historical, #family, #bible, #biblical, #faith
Let's create learning that makes an IMPACT! This is a brief introduction to principles that make learning impactful to the learners. https://thegreatdiscovery.com/academy/course/the-basics-crafting-courses-that-motivate-and-transform?preview=eyJpdiI6IllaMHdZS0dvQ0dvbndFc2srVkRVcmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiM0V5RFpXKzV3bFI3cVhrWENvSlNVYkVwR2lsWkh4amZLVS9RUFhrK1BXUT0iLCJtYWMiOiIxMzZhNmM4MGU1MDI4MDRkYmEzNmMwNDhmYzk2NzU4OWZjMzgyNjJlNTQxZDk4MTEwZDM0MjM2NzM0MzQzZWIzIn0%3D&affiliate=rwltech