Thinking about our backpacking journey, it's like a big comparison to life's challenges. We faced unexpected problems that kept showing up, just like that game whack-a-mole. But it taught me the importance of being tough and not giving up. When I look at the people who started our country even when things were really hard, it reminds me to stay strong when things get tough. It's about not giving in, staying strong, and moving forward, no matter what.
Do you want to learn more about what you can do to act NOW! and save our Constitution?
✍️ Join our course on faith here.
✍️Learn about historical events that shape our future. Flashback to a Fabulous Future.
✍️ Join us on our learning Journey to Plymouth, MA, on August 30, 2023 – September 4, 2023. Learn more here.
Let's create learning that makes an IMPACT! This is a brief introduction to principles that make learning impactful to the learners.